The Lord's Supper
We regularly observe the Lord's Supper monthly. The schedule for these observances may be found in our Upcoming Events Calendar. Please refer to our Doctrinal Beliefs to learn what we believe and teach about this importance practice for all believing, baptized followers of Christ.
The Kingdom of God is Like ...
Whether you're a long-time believer or new to the faith, these parables will help you see the world through Jesus' eyes as you discover how your place in God's spiritual kingdom should impact your mindset, values, and choices in this present, temporal world. We invite you to grow deeper in your spiritual understanding of how to live out the realities of God's kingdom in your daily life! This series will run from January into March.
Truth for Today
This running series features occasional sermons throughout the year which focus on providing a biblical perspective on crucial issues and challenges of our day which are difficult and sensitive. Topics will include abortion and the sanctity of life, homosexuality and transgenderism, biblical manhood and womanhood, Christians and voting, and marriage and divorce.
Because He Lives
This three-part Easter series will highlight key Scripture texts and truths which show how the incomparable resurrection of Christ impacts our lives in salvation (becoming a child of God), sanctification (becoming more like God daily), and glorification (entering into the presence of God in eternity). This series will begin two Sundays before Easter and will conclude on Easter morning.
Cherishing the Church
This series will explore foundational truths related to the doctrine and practice of the church, as revealed by Scripture. We will learn how the church began, what is God's purpose for the church, and how we should participate in the life of the church as followers of Christ. This series will begin in March and conclude in August.
This feature series will delve into the truth about God himself, first emphasizing his incommunicable attributes (those qualities which belong to God alone), then also emphasizing key communicable attributes as well (those qualities of God which we can and should emulate). This series will begin in August and conclude in November.
Four Incredible Births
This will be our preaching series for December. It will explore four unique and special births in Scripture, including the births of Samson, Samuel, John the Baptist's, and - most importantly Jesus Christ. This series will inspire confidence and hope in the faithfulness of our one, true God. who has provided for us a way of salvation through the birth of Christ.